双语长图丨历经风雨、患难与共的“铁杆朋友” _白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com


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  中国和塞尔维亚是历经风雨、患难与共的“铁杆朋友”。长期以来,中国人民和塞尔维亚人民始终心手相连,彼此怀有特殊感情,真情厚谊跨越时空、历久弥新。近年来,在两国元首战略引领下,中塞关系进入蓬勃发展的新阶段,双方坚定支持彼此核心利益和重大关切,坚定支持各自选择的发展道路,务实合作成果丰硕,全面战略伙伴关系内涵日益丰富,两国和两国人民友谊持续深化。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  China and Serbia have been historically recognized as "ironclad friends " through thick and thin. For a long time, the Chinese people and the Serbian people have linked their hearts, with special brotherly bond, whose unfading friendship has transcended time and space. In recent years,under the strategic leadership of the two Heads of State, China-Serbia relations have undergone vigorous development, with both sides firmly supporting each other's core interests and major concerns,firmly supporting development path independently chosen by each other. They have achieved fruitful results in pragmatic cooperation, and increasingly rich connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership, as well as the deepening of the friendship between the two countries and people.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  上世纪70年代走进中国百姓生活的前南斯拉夫二战影片《桥》,以桥梁为故事脉络的载体,体现了斯拉夫民族对于勇气与信仰的执着,感染了不少中国观众。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  The World War II movie "The Bridge" made in the former Yugoslavia, which was known by the Chinese Audience in the 1970s, took bridges as a vehicle for the story, reflecting the courage and faith of Slavic ethnic group, and touched many Chinese viewers.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  自二战结束后重建潘切沃大桥以来,塞尔维亚已经有近70年未在多瑙河上新建大桥了。2014年12月18日,中国建筑企业承建的贝尔格莱德“泽蒙-博尔察”跨多瑙河大桥竣工。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  Since the reconstruction of the Pancevo Bridge at the end of World War II, Serbia had built no new bridge over the Danube River for nearly 70 years. On December 18, 2014, the "Zemun-Borca" bridge across the Danube River in Belgrade, constructed by a Chinese company, was completed.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  90年代初,在前南斯拉夫专家的支持下,山东建起了第一条济南到青岛的高速公路。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  It was with the support of former Yugoslavia experts that the first Jinan-Qingdao highway was built in Shandong in the early 1990s.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  2019年8月18日,在“一带一路”倡议框架下,山东高速集团承建的E763高速奥布雷诺瓦茨-利格段通车。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  On August 18, 2019, under the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the Obrenovac-Ljig section of the E763 highway was opened to traffic ,constructed by Shandong Hi-Speed Group.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  1999年4月3日,光明日报记者许杏虎在贝尔格莱德采访“歌声鼓舞我们”音乐会后,写下了通讯《不屈的歌声》,赞颂塞尔维亚人民的民族气节将代代相传。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  On April 3, 1999, Xu Xinghu, a reporter of Guangming Daily, wrote a newsletter "Unyielding Songs" after covering the "Songs Inspiring Us" concert in Belgrade, extolling the Serbian people's national spirit that would be passed on from generation to generation.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  2020年2月22日,贝尔格莱德举行“塞尔维亚人民永远和中国兄弟在一起”音乐会,到场的塞尔维亚各界人士用中文高喊“中国加油”。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  On February 22, 2020, people from all walks of life in Serbia shouted "Go China" in Chinese at a concert called "Serbian People Will Always Be with Chinese Friends" in Belgrade.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  2008年5月,塞尔维亚政府在获悉汶川地震灾区急需帐篷等救灾物资后,决定从军队储备中调集帐篷向灾区提供援助。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  In May 2008, the Serbian Government, having been informed that the earthquake-stricken areas of Wenchuan were in urgent need of tents and other relief materials, decided to mobilize tents from military materials reserve to provide assistance to the affected areas.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  2020年3月21日,中国援助塞尔维亚抗疫医疗专家组乘专机抵达塞首都贝尔格莱德。塞尔维亚总统武契奇到机场迎接,并与专家组成员“碰肘”致意。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  On March 21, 2020, Anti-epidemic Expert Team from China to Serbia arrived in Belgrade by special plane. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic went to the airport to greet the team and bumped elbows with them.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  一个个务实友好的故事,诠释着中国和塞尔维亚“铁杆朋友”“志合者,不以山海为远”“友也者,友其德也”的内涵。多瑙河奔流不息,见证着中塞全面战略伙伴关系不断迈向更高水平。iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  One by one, the pragmatic and friendly stories have interpreted the connotation of China and Serbia's "ironclad friendship", "Nothing, not even mountains and oceans, can separate people with shared goals and vision", as well as "Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue". The continuous flow of the Danube River has witnessed the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership being elevated to a higher level.iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  (参考资料:新华社、央视、光明网、央广网、山东广播电视台)iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

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  海国志工作室&无限工作室 联合出品iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  策划:魏鹏、辛然iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  文案:姜晖、武玮佳iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  绘制:陈艳娇iLP白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com



