城市建筑,交通设施,水利工程,油气运输……中国的基础设施建设速度之快、数量之多、质量之高,常常令世人惊叹,中国也因此获得了“基建狂魔”这个称号。今天,中国承建的基建项目遍布全球,“中国建造”正在让全世界获益,这些非凡成就背后的秘密是什么?本期节目中,中国网主持人潘阿里与来自阿尔及利亚的土木工程师雅辛尼一同寻找答案。kWy白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
China’s rapid and extensive infrastructure development, including urban buildings, transportation facilities, water conservation projects, and oil and gas transportation systems, has rightfully earned it the title of an “Infrastructure Powerhouse”. Nowadays, Chinese-built infrastructure projects can be found worldwide, bringing significant benefits to countries around the globe. What is the secret behind these remarkable achievements? In this episode, Álvaro Paños, presenter from China.org.cn, will check it out with Yacine, a civil engineer from Algeria.kWy白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com