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是布、是画、是蜡染......s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
It’s a painting as well as a piece of cloth. Thatis batik.s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
中国的布依族,世代相传蜡染这项传统手艺。s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
The Buyi ethnic group in China have passed on batik as a traditional craft from generation to generation.s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
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以对大自然的热爱和敬畏为灵感,以蓝靛为主要染料,以蜡刀描绘图案,经过多次染色、洗煮、晾晒等工序,形成蓝白相间的艺术效果,这便是蜡染。s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
Inspired by the love and reverence for nature, they use indigo as the main dye, andcreate patterns with wax knives. After rounds of dyeing, washing, boiling, drying and other processes, an artistic effect of interwoven blue and whiteis formed, which is batik.s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
蓝,是蜡染的灵魂。在染色过程中,蜡质部分会阻挡染料渗入,形成白色冰纹,经过多次浸染,蓝色逐渐加深,蓝与白的虚实变化、交相呼应,成就了一幅幅机器不可替代的蜡染艺术品。s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
Blue is the soul of batik.During the dyeing process, the waxed part will prevent the dye from infiltratingthe cloth, forming white ice-like patterns. After many times of dyeing, the blue color gradually deepens, and the subtle changes of blue and white echo each other, creating a piece of batik art that cannot be replicated by machines.s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
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传统布依族蜡染主要是布依妇女自纺、自织、自染、自绣而成。娴熟的蜡染者常能心中成画、绘于布上。图案包罗万象,体现了布依族文化中的民族信仰和自然崇拜,也浓缩了布依族人们对美好生活的理解和想象。s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
The traditional batik of Buyi ethnic group is mainly hand-made byBuyi women who spin, weave and dye the cloth and make embroidering on their own.A skillful batik craftswoman can often develop patterns inher mind and then paint them on the cloth.The patternsare all-encompassing, reflecting their ethnic belief and worship for naturein the Buyi culture, and also mirror the Buyi people’s perception and aspiration of a better life.s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
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如今,布依族蜡染不再拘泥于大山之间,创作表达更加大胆丰富,从单一的染布到服饰、壁画、挂件等工艺品,再到开直播、文旅融合体验馆……让越来越多人开始关注和欣赏布依蜡染的独特魅力,惊叹于那一抹迷人的“布依蓝”。s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
Today, Buyi batik is no longer confined to the mountains, and its creative expression is bolder and richer. The ethnic art’s presence has developed from dyed cloth to costumes, paintings, adornments and other handicraftsand become better known thanks to livestreaming and cultural and tourism workshops. More and more people begin to know and appreciate the unique glamour of Buyi batik, marveling at the charming “Buyi blue.”s1d白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com
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