What’s On丨菜博会攻略来了!带你打卡“蔬菜王国” _白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

What’s On丨菜博会攻略来了!带你打卡“蔬菜王国”

来源:海报新闻 作者: 2024-05-03 11:39:03 网页无障碍阅读
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tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  一提到山东寿光,人们自然会想起鲜美可口的各式蔬菜。这不,第二十五届中国(寿光)国际蔬菜科技博览会在寿光市蔬菜高科技示范园盛大开幕啦!小编为大家整理好了展会游览攻略,一起去开启探索之旅吧!tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  Fresh and tasty vegetables come to people’s minds when talking about Shouguang in Shandong province. Well, the 25th China (Shouguang) International Vegetable Sci-Tech Fair has kicked off in Shouguang Vegetable High-tech Demonstration Park. Here comes the travel tips, let’s start exploring!tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  本届菜博会以“绿色·科技·未来”为主题,主展区总面积45万平方米,室内外展位1000余个。本次展会突出沉浸式、互动式、休闲式参观体验,展馆内容焕然一新,展示形式新颖多样,“一馆一主题、馆馆有特色”。本次小编按照顺时针游览法参观,亲测更省时省力哦!tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  With the theme of "Green, Technology, and Future", the fair covers an exhibition area of 450,000 square meters with 1,000 indoor and outdoor booths. Aiming to provide immersive, interactive and recreational experiences for visitors, this exhibition shows whole new content and diverse forms. Each exhibition hall displays in line with its specific theme and feature. Today, we are going to visit in clockwise order, which is more time-saving!tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  三号展馆为农事体验馆,馆内设有农事体验区、萌宠互动、庭院菜园等体验区、娱乐休闲区和非遗文化区等,将农耕文化、农事活动与农业知识相结合,让游客在学习农业知识的同时,还可以亲身体验农事生产的辛苦和收获的乐趣。tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  The third exhibition hall is for agricultural experiencing, which features various experience areas such as farming experience, pet interaction and courtyard garden, as well as a recreational area, and an intangible cultural heritage area. It combines farming culture, agricultural activities and knowledge, allowing tourists to learn about agricultural knowledge while experiencing the hardships and joys of agricultural production.tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  四号馆为“一天零一夜”精灵丛林艺数馆。在展示400余种沙漠植物、130余种热带雨林、200多种多肉植物、100多个南北方果树树种的基础上,利用声光影、VR、虚拟空间等手法,打造成为特色独具、研学结合、北方独有的沉浸式“日游+夜游”森林奇幻之旅。tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  The fourth hall is titled "One Day and One Night" Fairy Jungle Art and Science hall. over 400 types of desert plants, more than 130 species of tropical rainforest plants, over 200 varieties of succulents, and over 100 types of fruit trees from both the north and south are diaplayed. Utilizingtechniques such as sound, light, shadow, VR, and virtual spaces, it creates a unique, immersive and research-oriented "day and night tour" of a fantastical forest experience exclusive to the north.tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  五号馆为蔬菜实用技术展示馆。选取多个优良蔬菜品种,运用高效立体栽培模式,使用水肥一体化、人工补光、AM菌土壤修复等20多项新技术,展现廊架园艺特色,满园叠翠,硕果累累。中间核心区打造“菜乡农圣”景观,展示农圣贾思勰和《齐民要术》记载的部分蔬菜。tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  The fifth hallis a showcase for practical vegetable technology. It selects multiple fine vegetable varieties and utilizes efficient three-dimensional cultivation models, along with over 20 new technologies such as integrated water and fertilizer management, artificial lighting supplementation, and AM bacteria soil remediation. This hall showcases the characteristics of corridor horticulture, with lush greenery and abundant fruits. In the central core area, a landscape named "Vegetable Country's Agricultural Sage" is created to display some vegetables recorded by the agricultural sage Jia Sixie and his book "Qi Min Yao Shu"(Main Techniques for the People's Welfare).tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  八号馆为蔬菜文化艺术展示馆。以“新时代大美中国的壮丽画卷”为主题,以长江、黄河、长城、长征、大运河五大国家文化公园为路线,运用蔬菜、瓜果、粮种等元素,采用雕刻、挂果、粘贴、扦插、彩绘等艺术手法,精心打造“大美中国”、“龙跃神州”、“江山多娇”等景观100多处。tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  Vegetable culture and artare displayed in the eighth hall. With the theme of "The Magnificent Scroll of Beautiful China in the New Era", it follows the route of the five national cultural parks of the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Great Wall, Long March, and the Grand Canal. Elements such as vegetables, fruits, and grains are used, and artistic techniques including carving, fruit hanging, pasting, cutting, and painting are employed to create over 100 landscapes, including "Beautiful China", "Dragons Soaring Over the Divine Land"and "Splendid Scenery of the Riversand Mountains".tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  看了这么多展馆,你最喜欢哪一个?是不是迫不及待想来菜博会看一看了?欢迎大家来寿光,赴一场蔬菜盛会!tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  After seeing so many exhibition halls, which one is your favoriate? Are you eager to come and have a look? Well, you are cordially invited to Shouguang for thegrand vegetable festival!tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  视频:刘博洋、周溪琳tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  摄影:刘博洋tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  文案:杨晓、周溪琳tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  翻译、出镜:杨晓tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com

  监制:武玮佳tW9白溪网 - Www.Bx417613.Com



